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Legends & Lore - Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

Writer: Griffin KirkwoodGriffin Kirkwood

Thalia, born on the plane of Innistrad, is a famous cathar (holy warrior) of the Church of Avacyn.

Thalia trained and graduated from the Elgaud Grounds, the church’s fort located in the city of Havengul. Distinguishing herself as both a caring soldier and exceptional vampire hunter, she was noticed by Lothar, the Guardian of Thraben. Enlisting her as his second in command, she was moved to the city of Thraben, where she guarded over the mysterious Helvault. Unknown to almost all on Innistrad, the holy obelisk of the church housed one of Innistrad’s greatest protectors, the angel Avacyn, as well as the demon Griselbrand, who she had trapped there.

Thalia would serve Thraben under Lothar’s leadership through the Siege of Thraben. The necromancer brother-sister duo of Geralf and Gisa raised an army of undead to attack the city, going so far as to breach the outer wall before being pushed back. But during the siege Lothar was slain, and Thalia would ascend to become the new Guardian of Thraben.

Protecting the city after the siege, Thalia would next be confronted with the planeswalker Liliana. Seeking out the demon Griselbrand in order to kill him, Liliana forced Thalia to break open the Helvault and release those imprisoned inside, including the angel Avacyn. Avacyn’s return to Innistrad restored its great protector, reigniting the holy magic of the church and returned angels to the plane.

The joy of her return was short-lived, as another planeswalker, Nahiri, had other plans. Infecting her mind with madness, Nahiri was able to turn Avacyn on the humans she was supposed to protect. Her holy mission became wiping humanity from the face of the plane. At the same time, the Church of Avacyn was being taken over by a demonic cult worshipping the demon Ormendahl. Recognizing the corruption but unable to stem its flow, Thalia abandoned the church and formed the Order of Saint Traft. Joining her order were her friends Odric and Rem Karolus, who were able to retrieve and give Thalia the spear of her fallen hero, Avacyn.

In the Battle of Thraben, confronting the army of Eldrazi led by Brisela (the corrupted amalgamation of the angels Bruna and Gisela), Thalia struck a truce with Olivia Voldaren, and together they and their armies defended the future of Innistrad with the aid of the Gatewatch. Thalia would do battle with Brisela and might have been overtaken if not for the interference of the angel Sigarda, who aided Thalia in defeating Brisela and ending the Eldrazi threat with Emrakul’s imprisonment in Innistrad’s moon.

Following the battle, Thalia remained in Thraben to drive out the zombie army left by Liliana and rebuild the city.

Thalia’s story will continue with her defense of the plane during the Phyrexian invasion of the multiverse.




“Avacyn emerged from the broken Helvault, but her freedom came at a price - him"

-Thalia, Guardian of Thrabem (Griselbrand, Avacyn Restored)

"Even in times of brutal darkness, never mistake beauty and delicacy for weakness"

- Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (Radiant Restraints, Innistrad: Crimson Vow)

"Creatures of the night dissolve like shadows in the light of faith"

- Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (Piercing Light, Innistrad: Crimson Vow)

"Holy places are no longer sanctuary from death, and death is no longer sanctuary from anything"

- Thalia, Knight-Cathar (Blasphemous Act, Innistrad)


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