Mavren Fein is a disciple of the original vampire on the plane of Ixalan, Elenda. Elenda was the first guardian of the Immortal Sun on Ixalan, but following its theft she taught her followers the Rite, allowing them to become vampires and join her. Elenda would pursue the Immortal Sun, leaving the continent of Torrezon and her followers behind.
Mavren was there the day she left in search of the Immortal Sun, and being one of her first converts, he maintains one of the highest positions within the Legion of Dusk. Mavren would await Elenda’s return to Torrezon, but to no avail. Two hundred years after Elenda set sail, Mavren went in search of her, leading a shipload of vampires into the west.
During his journey, he undertook the common rite among Ixalan’s vampires of a blood fast, wherein they starve themselves until entering an animalistic state called the rapture, leading them to feed on anything they can get their hands on. At the height of his blood fast, Mavren destroyed all of the ship's navigational equipment, believing they needed to let faith steer them in their quest. His faith was well rewarded as he eventually arrived at the vampire stronghold of Adanto on the continent of Ixalan.
Joining forces with the famed vampire Vona, Mavren would search for and finally arrive at Orazca. There they came into conflict with others searching for the Immortal Sun: the planeswalkers Vraska and Jace, Angrath and the pirates of the Brazen Coalition, and Huatli of the Sun Empire. In a pitched fight between the rivals, the Immortal Sun was stolen yet again by Tezzeret and transported off the plane.
With the disappearance of the Immortal Sun, Saint Elenda reappeared. Instructing Mavren and Vona that their ancient hunt for the Sun was over, they returned to Torrezon with the rest of the Legion of Dusk.
Since we last visited the plane of Ixalan, Mavren journeyed back to the continent of Ixalan, where he was captured by members of the Sun Empire. With the Phyrexian invasion of Ixalan beginning, Huatli released Mavren to help her summon the elder dinosaurs to help defend the plane. Huatli was successful in summoning the dinosaurs, and Mavren now rides Ghalta into battle against the invading Phyrexians.