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Legends & Lore - Koth of the Hammer

Writer: Griffin KirkwoodGriffin Kirkwood

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

Koth is a red-aligned planeswalker originating from the plane of Mirrodin (now known as New Phyrexia). A member of the Vulshok’s Hammer tribe, Koth is the well-regarded leader of the Mirran resistance in their war with the invading Phyrexians.

Koth’s planeswalker spark would ignite during armed conflict between the normally peaceful Vulshok tribes. War erupted as the ore the tribes mined from the Oxida mountains became corrupted and brittle, with each tribe blaming the others. Koth’s proficiency with geomancy magic would allow him to purify the ore, returning it to its previous strength and bringing peace back to the tribes.

As the Phyrexian corruption grew on Mirrodin, Koth vowed to save Mirrodin and his people, branding Phyrexian symbols on his arm and planeswalking to the region of Dominaria called Urborg looking for help and the Heroes Memorial. While searching for the memorial he found himself in the famous gladiatorial pits, facing off with another planeswalker, Elspeth Tirel. Not interested in fighting her, he fought defensively, but when Elspeth noticed the Phyrexian symbol on his arm, she became enraged and was only stopped by the timely arrival of Ajani Goldmane. After explaining to Elspeth what the Phyrexians were doing to Mirrodin, Koth and Elspeth became close friends and travel companions.

After traveling to the Heroes Memorial and communing with the alter, Koth was instructed to find a man named Venser. Venser was not difficult for Koth and Elspeth to find, but they were shocked to find Venser hard at work rebuilding a Phyrexian ship, intending to turn it into a planeswalking ship. Realizing that Venser did not understand the powers he was toying with, Koth encased Venser’s head in a stone mask and forced him to planeswalk to Mirrodin to help in the fight.

After arriving on Mirrodin with his new allies, Koth set them on a path to find an old friend who could aid them. Venturing into the Mephidross Swamp, the party was attacked by one of many zombies found in the swamps called the Nim. After defeating the zombie, Elspeth withdrew within herself, and Koth and Venser were surprised to learn she would not be completing the journey with them and left.

Koth and Venser would continue their journey, but without Elspeth’s martial skills, they were captured by the Phyrexians. Koth would ultimately free himself, but refusing to leave Venser behind, he tried to fight off the Phyrexians, and was only saved by the sudden re-appearance of Elspeth.

Descending further into the lower layers of Mirrodin, the heroes would come upon another planeswalker: Tezzeret. Tezzeret would point them in the direction of a room where Phyrexians were experimenting on other life forms. In this room, Koth would find and free an elf woman named Melira, who was both immune to the Phyrexian corruption and could cure others of their affliction. Melira would go on to be a valuable ally and friend to Koth, joining the planeswalkers on their mission and inevitably becoming a vital leader in the Mirran resistance.

After ongoing fights with the Phyrexian forces, the foursome eventually reached the throne room of the creator of Mirrodin, the planeswalker Karn, located at the center of Mirrodin. They discovered Karn was already corrupted by Phyrexian oil, and Melira could not heal him. Venser revealed to the group that he had been dying for years and would not last much longer, so with his final moments, he gave his life and his planeswalker spark to heal Karn. Karn would task the group with leading the Mirran resistance and the cleansing of Mirrodin.

Unfortunately, the Phyrexians were too many and too powerful, and the resistance could not stop the invasion, with the plane becoming New Phyrexia. Still leading the resistance, Koth learned that the Phyrexian Praetors would gather in Elesh Norn’s domain to name a new Mother of Machines. Hoping to land one fatal blow to the Phyrexians, Koth and Elspeth assembled a large force of Mirrans and attacked the gathering, intending to use a spellbomb to kill the Phyrexians. The Mirran forces were cut down, and before Koth set off the bomb he forced Elspeth to planeswalk away and save herself. Koth was lucky enough to escape to the lower levels before the bomb went off and continued to lead the resistance.

Koth’s story will continue with the release of PHYREXIA: ALL WILL BE ONE.




“Molten earth has no anger of its own. Only by infusing it with your own rage can the magma seethe and take shape. “

-Koth of the Hammer (Anger, Duel Decks: Venser vs. Koth)

“If there can be no victory, then I will fight forever”

-Koth of the Hammer (Darksteel Plate, Mirrodin Besieged)

“If it wasn’t a blackened, stinking, melted abomination before, it certainly is now.”

- Koth of the Hammer (Turn to Slag, Scars of Mirrodin

“Drive them back! Make their underworld into their grave!”

-Koth of the Hammer (Rally the Forces, Mirrodin Besieged)


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