Azor, the Lawbringer is a white-blue aligned sphinx from an unknown plane. Previously a powerful planeswalker, he traversed the multiverse spreading his influence across countless races and planes on matters of law and order. He is most readily associated with the planes of Ravnica and Ixalan.
On Ravnica he founded and led the Azorius Senate as Parun, and was known as Supreme Judge Azor I. While on Ravnica Azor was the designer of the original Guildpact, both devising and writing the legal outlines of the agreement. He was also the architect behind the Implicit Maze, his failsafe in case the Guildpact ever failed.
Around 1,300 years before we meet Azor on Ixalan, Azor allied himself with the planeswalker Ugin after they both identified the dragon planeswalker Nicol Bolas as a threat to the multiverse. Devising a plan to stop Bolas, they decide to try and trap him on the plane of Ixalan. Azor traveled to Ixalan and using his planeswalker spark he constructed an artifact known as the Immortal Sun, which would prevent planeswalkers from leaving the plan once they had arrived. In giving up his spark to create the Immortal Sun he trapped himself on the world. After failing to receive the signal from Ugin to draw Bolas to Ixalan (because Bolas had discovered their plan and defeated Ugin), he came to realize that their plan had failed. Endeavoring to create order upon Ixalan because he was trapped, he explored each of the races upon Ixalan. Deciding that none of them were worthy, he set himself up as the Last Guardian of the Immortal Sun on Ixalan.
In their search for the Immortal Sun, the planeswalkers Jace and Vraska would eventually arrive in the city of Orazca, where Azor lived with the Immortal Sun. After an argument about the failures of the guilds on Ravnica Vraska would attempt to kill Azor. Jace stopped her from ending his life, and instead using his power as the Living Guildpact (which he received from the Implicit Maze that Azor created centuries before) he banished Azor to the deserted island that Jace had landed on when arriving on Ixalan to live out his days.


"In her single metasphere are bound the records of every Aetheric transaction since the time of Azor"
- Azorius Aethermage (Dissension)
"Be still"
-Azor (Sphinx's Decree, Rivals of Ixalan)