Look no further! In this article we will go over the games we reviewed this year and which games would be great gifts in different situations. Is this a gift for your kids? Or maybe a present for a yankee swap? We will lay out a few categories to help you get that quick last minute gift!
Pro tip: check out the “Buy a copy” button on BGG links shared in this article. Some games might be harder to find these days!
Stocking Stuffers
These gifts are small in size, perfect for a stocking

Game: Iota
Price: $11 *hard to find
Pros: Super small, perfect for travel
Summary: Thinky, optimization, pattern building game

Game: Love Letter
Price: $12
Pros: Can be played with up to 6 players & has one rule: draw a card, play a card.
Summary: Devise a plan to take out our opponents and be the last man standing in several quick rounds

Game: Anomia
Price: $18
Pros: Easy to learn & play for anyone, can accommodate 8 players
Summary: Fast-paced party game where the answer is always on the tip of your tongue
Yankee Swap
These gifts are suitable, regardless who ends up receiving your gift

Game: Stuff Happens
Price: $10
Pros: Easy to learn & play for anyone
Summary: Rank horrible scenarios from least miserable to most
Game: Sushi Go
Price: $9
Pros: Easy to learn & play for anyone
Summary: Who doesn’t love cute sushi and basic math?

Game: Trails
Price: $20
Pros: Simple gameplay with minimal setup and beautiful artwork
Summary: Hike along a national park trail collecting resources and badges along the way
For Kids & Families
These gifts are great to play with the whole family

Game: Suspend
Price: $15
Pros: Easy to learn & play for any age
Summary: Dexterity, balancing game with funky metal bars

Game: Dragoon
Price: $75 *hard to find
Pros: Beautiful components with fairly simple gameplay
Summary: Become a dragon burning all in your path while reveling in riches of gold

Game: Everdell
Price: $55
Pros: Beautiful artwork and components to bring a bit of a cute challenge to family game night
Summary: Collect resources and build homes for all sorts of critters in your harmonious forest
For Seasoned Gamers
These gifts are for the known board gamers in your life

Game: Lost Ruins of Arnak
Price: $40
Pros: Beautiful components and adventurous play
Summary: Discover ruins and ancient artifacts while exploring an island

Game: Five Tribes
Price: $50 *eBay auction
Pros: Many avenues to victory and careful bidding in order to take advantage of your opponents’ plays
Summary: Strategically place varying tribes like Mancala in order to reap the most benefits

Game: The Castles of Burgundy
Price: $50
Pros: Classic game that should be a staple in all households
Summary: Roll dice to build your vast kingdom and become the best
See you at the end of the year with our top five games of our year!