Preordain is finally legal once again in Modern! With the Modern RCQ season fast approaching, many Magic players have started the essential testing period to determine the most optimal deck. Due to zero new cards added to the banlist, all Modern players must now ask themselves the one question on everyone’s mind: do I play The One Ring or Orcish Bowmasters?
With its win at the Pro Tour, Rakdos Scam has quickly cemented itself as tier one deck, using Grief and Orcish Bowmasters to gain an advantage in the early game. However, now that Preordain has been unbanned, what if Red is no longer the best choice to pair with these powerful black cards?
Death’s Shadow players everywhere, rejoice! These types of UB decks have been seeing some fringe play with the printing of Sauron’s Ransom, but Preordain may have been enough to push it into the first tier of Modern. This deck plays very similarly to the Legacy UB Shadow deck, controlling the game until you can close it out with Death’s Shadow and Murktide Regents.
The Legacy version of UB Shadow has always featured a reanimator package, and now the Modern version also includes it, using Persist to get back Troll of Khazad-dum! If you already have UB Shadow built in Legacy, it would be an easy switch to turn it into a Modern viable deck, which might explain why this deck has been putting up so many great results on MTGO.
Now that Preordain has been added to Modern, it has created some very interesting questions. With Orcish Bowmasters running rampant in Modern, is Ragavan still a viable card to play? Is Rakdos Scam still the best place to use your Griefs, or does Preordain improve the Dimir version enough to surpass it? Or is Preordain good enough to bring back a resurgence of Izzet Murktide? Only time will tell!

You can find the decklist here.