Eternal Weekend North America is almost upon us! With players scrambling to get their Legacy and Vintage decks together for the main events, let’s take a look at the winning decklist from Eternal Weekend Europe, which happened just a few weeks ago.
With all the Beseeching of Mirrors and Climbing of Beanstalks in Legacy, no one was sure what to expect from the Eternal Weekend main event. However, one of the most extraordinary things about Legacy right now is that the format is wide open, and it was possible to see almost any deck in the top eight.
Due to the power level of Legacy, most of the time it comes down to the skill of the operator of a deck, not just the power of the deck itself. That’s why it’s no surprise that Julian Jakobovits, otherwise known as JuJuBean, became the 2023 European Eternal Weekend Legacy champion, piloting good-ol’ Temur Delver into first place!
Julian is no stranger to Eternal Magic at the highest levels. Last year, he won the Eternal Weekend Vintage Championship on MagicOnline, winning a promo Ancestral Recall. This year, he returned with a vengeance and ended up going 9-1 in the swiss before going undefeated in the top 8, winning a promo Force of Will as well as the promo Dragon’s Rage Channeler.
His deck looks just like a typical Izzet Delver list, except for one standout card: Questing Druid. This new addition may force the deck to switch up the mana base to accommodate it, but it is well worth the price.
Most of the time, Druid is an instant-speed divination for two mana, attached to a body that grows into a threat over time. Pair this with the fierce disruption and the cheap and effective creatures found in Delver decks, and you have one powerful deck.

You can also find his decklist here.