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D&D: Where it all happened for Me

Writer: Amanda MoonAmanda Moon

My First Ever Player’s Handbook (2020)

Hello Fellow Dungeon Crawlers! I am here to give you a glimpse of my life and how Dungeons and Dragons has had a massive impact on my life. I have thought hard about what I want to do next with my weekly articles, and I feel like giving you all some background of where I started.

I have always been interested in the world of imagination and fantasy since I was a little kid. As a kid, I constantly dressed up and pretended I was in another world. I always knew about Dungeons and Dragons but never really played until 2020, when COVID hit.

Since we were quarantined, there wasn’t much to do. I had a family friend who played with a group in my hometown and encouraged me to come and join. I remember being nervous to try something new and step out of my comfort zone. But when we started playing, I knew I would be playing for the rest of my life. The excitement, thrills, and nerves one gets when playing with a group is the best feeling.

When I started, I was in only one campaign, the Curse of Strahd. This was a cool campaign because it was set in a world created by the vampire Strahd von Zarovich. I played a barbarian halfling, and it was so much fun.

While this campaign was going on, I was welcomed into a second campaign which was a mix of homebrew and a campaign setting. I was still playing a barbarian, but I was a dwarf. Since these were my two first campaigns, I wanted to keep it simple to understand the rules and flow of the game.

After a few months of playing, I started to explore other types of character classes, such as wizard, druid, rogue, etc. I found out that I loved playing rogues. The class has many cool aspects, like being an expert in stealthing and thieves' tools. Another is being so good at your craft that you have evade half damage. Plus, as a bonus, you can choose a path like arcane trickster, thief, and my personal favorite, soulknife.

Dungeons and Dragons has helped me step out of my comfort zone by meeting new people and sharing a passion that someone other than me loves. If you do not know me, I tend to struggle with meeting new people and taking risks, and D&D has helped me be able to do that.

Currently, I play once a week with a group at a local game store, and I have started my own campaign with the Kirkwood Bros Gaming team as Dungeon Master. I don’t know where I’d be without D&D, and I hope this has brought some insight into why I love the game.

I will see you all next week!

Happy Rolling!

My D&D tattoo; This was my 3rd tattoo (2021)


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