Hello fellow dungeon crawlers! This week I will be discussing one of my favorite groups that stream D&D Campaigns, Critical Role. Back when I started to play D&D, this stream was recommended by some family friends to help me learn more about the game. I started watching the show and immediately fell in love with it. Anyone wanting to learn more or get a feel for D&D should watch Critical Role before playing for the first time.
The members of Critical Role had all been friends before they started the stream. The group is Matt Mercer, Marisha Ray, Laura Bailey, Travis Willingham, Sam Riegel, Taliesin Jaffe, Liam O’Brien, and Ashley Johnson. Critical Role started after a one-shot played on Laura and Liam’s birthday (Fun Fact: they have the same birthday), and they had so much fun that they decided to start streaming their sessions.
Each member has a similar background working in voice acting, and most of them had never played D&D before Critical Role. Matt Mercer was the only member with any experience who had been playing since he was young. He is now the Dungeon Master for the group, and since 2015 he has created new worlds of exploration for his party members and is an incredible storyteller.

There have been three campaigns that we have followed along with the group. The first is Vox Machina, with Vex, Vax, Percival, Keyleth, Scanlan, Grog, and Pike wandering through Wildemount, stopping evil in its tracks. This campaign also has a television series on Amazon Prime Video that is an excellent watch.
The next campaign is with the Mighty Nein, Jester, Caduceus, Nott/Veth, Caleb and Frumpkin, Fjord, Beau, and Yasha. This rag-tag group of adventurers took on Lucien and the Tombtakers in the blooming grove. This campaign will soon be an animated series on Amazon Prime Video.
Finally, we are currently 60 episodes into campaign three with Bell’s Hells, Imogen, Laudna, Chetney, Fresh Cut Grass (FCG), Orym, Fern, and Ashton. They are currently in Marquet, trying to stop the evil that the apogee solstice has planned.
If you want to know more about the group, go to your local bookseller and buy their book, The World of Critical Role, or start watching the stream! I love the show and hope this article interests you in watching their campaigns. The best part is you don’t have to watch older campaigns to watch the current one! I’ll see everyone next week!
Happy Rolling!